Sri Lanka Useful Phrases
Sinhala is one of the country’s two official languages, along with Tamil. If you must choose to learn only one before your trip to Sri Lanka, it should be Sinhala as most people speak that.
With an alphabet comprised of 52 letters that don’t correspond at all to our latin alphabet,
Just knowing how to say “hello”, “ayuboan” in Sinhala and “vanakkan” in Tamil, you will please your hosts, who will appreciate your having made the effort.
Learning how to count can also be worthwhile, especially as it’s fairly easy – up to 6 !
Some English
About 15% of the population speak English to some level or other. This is the case for most of the people who come into contact with tourists. So you are in luck!
Using simple English, you will be understood most places that you go. Sri Lankans are generally very welcoming. They love to chat with visitors and practice their English.
Basic expressions / Common Words
Good morning / Good evening | Ayubowan / Suba rathiyak way va |
How are you? | Kohomada sahpa sah neepa ? |
Fine, (thank you), and you? | Sanee-penn innava, (istouti) |
I understand / I don’t understand | Maṭa taeraenavaā / Mata thayrennay nehe |
Sorry | Samaāva |
Goodbye | Ayubowan |
Welcome | Paiḷaigaænaīmae |
Thank you (very much) | Bohoma istouti |
Excuse me | Maṭa samaāvaenana / karauṇaākara |
My name is… | Magae nama… |
What is your name? | Oyage nama mokakdha |
No thank you | Néhé istouti |
Yes / No | Ovou / Néhé |
You’re welcome | Oyaāva saādarayaena paiḷaigananavaā |
How much is it? Kyede ?
It is very cheap Eya laābha taiyaenanae
It is too expensive! Milavedi !
Can you lower the price? Oba aḍau mailaka haækai
I would like to buy … this one! Mama mailadaī gaænaīmaṭa avaśaya
I like it / I don’t like it Mama ādarae / mama vaaira
Money Sallii / Maudala
I’m just looking around. Mama haeāyananae
I would like to go to … Maṭa yanana kaæmatai…
Plane Gauvana yaānayaka
Boat Baeāṭaṭau
Train Daumaraiya
Taxi Taækasai
Bus Basa
I would like to rent … Mama kaulaiyaṭa gaænaīmaṭa avaśaya…
Motorbike Yataurau paædai
Car Maeāṭara ratha
Bike Bayaisaikalayaka
Where is …? / How can I get to …? Kaeāhaeda… ? / gaænaīmaṭa ākaāraya… ?
Bank Baæṁkau
Train station Daumaraiya sathaānaya
Centre Nagara madhayayae
Hotel Haeāṭala
Hospital Raeāhalae
Is it close / far? Samaīpa / daura ?
Straight ahead Haraiyaṭama idairaiyaena
Left / Right Vama / ayaitaiya
North / South / East / West Utaurau / dakauṇau / ya / kaeāhaeda
Numberssieben, acht, neun, zehn
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Eka, deka, tuna, hatara, paha, haya, hata, ata, navaya, dahaya
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty Vaisai, taisa, hataḷaisa, panahaka, haæṭa
seventy, eighty, ninety Haætataǣ, asaū, anaū
One hundred Siya
Hours/Dates and days
Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag
What time is it? Vaelaāva kaīyada ?
When? Kavadaā da ?
Yesterday Iyae
Today (morning/midday/evening) Ada (ada udaǣsana / dahavala / savasa)
Tomorrow Haeṭa
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Sandaudaa, angaharauvaadaa, badaadaa, barahasapatainadaa, saikauraadaa, saenasauraadaa, iraidaa
I am here on vacation Maā naivaāḍauvaeya /saṁcaāraka
I am here for business Mama vaaeda sandahaa maa maehai / vayaapaara samcaaraya
I am hungry / I am thirsty Maṭa baḍagainaiyai /maṭa taibahayai
Enjoy Oyaagae ahaara vaela rasavaindainana
Cheers! Palavaenai haetauva !
It was delicious Eya itaā rasaya !
What can you recommend? Oba maeānavaāda raekamadaārau karananae ?
I am vegeterian Mama nairamaāṁśa vaemai
Not spicy please Kauḷau baḍau taeārava
It’s too hot E sandahaa baeahaea unausauma !
I am allergic Maṭa āsaātamaikayai
Sea food Mauhaudau āhaāra
Peanuts Raṭakajau
Gluten Galaūṭana
I would like… Mama kaæmataiyai
Water Jalaya
Tee / Coffee Tae / kaeāpai
Beer / Wine Baiyara / vayaina
The bill, please Maīṭa amatarava, karauṇaākara
Health / Emergency / Security
Usa Cinghalais
I need to see a doctor. Mama daeāsatara balanana ōnae
Call an ambulance / Call 911 Vaedayavarayaekau amatanana / gailana ratha
Where is the hospital? raeāhala yanau ?
I do not feel very good Sanee-pa na-tha
It hurts here Mama maetana karadara
Where can I find the restrooms? Adaāḷa vaæsaikaiḷai kaeāhaeda ?
Help! Udava !
Police Paealaisa
Danger Anataura
I’m lost Mama ataramaṁ vaelaā
Have a nice day ! Sauba davasaka !